pressure, pressure, PRESSURE. junior year, all this work. AP Physics, which I know i'm going to fail. A ten page paper due Friday in English. My stupid computer program which sort of doesn't work. I can't say damn, some stupid little rule. There are drug dealers in this school and I can't say damn. Where am I going to college? What am I going to do with the rest of my life? Will I ever be able to afford a car? damn, I can't say damn. a suspendable offense. offense -- good god, what is this world coming to? more rulres than anyone can remember. conformity, conformity, conformity. I can't say damn. I really need a job. screwey finances. a dirty kitchen floor. I need to learn how to clean the oven. also how to sew a button on my shirt and the equation for potential energy. can't say damn. gotta say darn. gosh. golly. gee. whiz.