February 2013
Problem of the Month

By Margery Albis,
GAMES February 2013

Fred, owner of The Ski Station, worked for weeks to prepare his shop for the upcoming season.   To make room for new merchandise, Fred held his annual sale of last year's stock.   On the first morning of the sale, five customers bombarded Fred; they all wanted to try the exact same style boot, but no two wore the same size.   Fred used his best salesmanship, but the men said the boots were "too funky" and left.   Identify each customer's first name (one is Bert), last name (one is White), boot size, and the order in which they arrived.

  1. Dante (who didn't arrive first or last) isn't the customer who needed a size 9-1/2 or the one who needed a size 13.
  2. Alfonso isn't the customer who wears a size 8.
  3. The size 10 wearer (who isn't Mr. Sharp) arrived first; the size 13 wearer arrived sometime after Sharp.
  4. Mr. Ruhl didn't come in last, but he was later than Vine, who arrived immediately after the size 10 wearer.
  5. Neither Eli nor Chuck was fourth or fifth to enter the store.
  6. The smallest boots in the bunch were tried on by Mr. Toro.
  7. Sharp (who isn't Eli) doesn't wear size 11.

Solution to the Problem:

Alfonso Ruhl 13 fourth
Bert Toro 8 fifth
Chuck Sharp 9-1/2 third
Dante Vine 11 second
Eli White 10 first

Mr. Toro tried on size 8 boots (6). Mr. Sharp's size isn't 10 or 13 (3) or 11 (7), so he wears size 9-1/2.   The first customer to arrive wears size 10 (3), so Mr. Vine arrived second (4).   The size 13 customer isn't Mr. Vine, who arrived second (3), so he's either Mr. Ruhl or Mr. White.   By elimination, Mr. Vine wears size 11.   Since Mr. Ruhl didn't arrive first (4), he isn't the size 10 wearer; he's the size 13 wearer, and, by elimination, Mr. White wears size 10.   The last customer to arrive wasn't Mr. Sharp (3) or Mr. Ruhl (4), so Mr. Toro arrived last. Mr. Ruhl, who wears size 13, arrived after Mr. Sharp (3); thus, Mr. Sharp was third and Mr. Ruhl was fourth.   Dante wasn't first or last (1), so he isn't Mr. White or Mr. Toro; since he doesn't wear 9-1/2 or 13 (1), he also isn't Mr. Sharp or Mr. Ruhl.   Thus, Dante is Mr. Vine. Eli didn't arrive third (7), or fourth or fifth (5), so he's Mr. White, who arrived first.   Chuck isn't Mr. Ruhl or Mr. Toro (5), so he's Mr. Sharp.   Alfonso isn't Mr. Toro (2), so he's Mr. Ruhl, and, by elimination, Bert is Mr. Toro.

In summary:
Alfonso Ruhl 13 fourth
Bert Toro 8 fifth
Chuck Sharp 9-1/2 third
Dante Vine 11 second
Eli White 10 first

Correctly solved by:

1. Rylan Kellum Mountain View High School,
Mountain View, Wyoming
2. Garrett Key Mountain View High School,
Mountain View, Wyoming
3. Riley Dolezal Mountain View High School,
Mountain View, Wyoming
4. Madison Vitt Mountain View High School,
Mountain View, Wyoming
5. Trenton Harmon Mountain View High School,
Mountain View, Wyoming
6. Kaylor Dolezal Mountain View High School,
Mountain View, Wyoming
7. Larissa Giessinger Mountain View High School,
Mountain View, Wyoming
8. Hannah Stoddard Mountain View High School,
Mountain View, Wyoming
9. Trystin Walker Mountain View High School,
Mountain View, Wyoming
10. Kayle Rippetoe Mountain View High School,
Mountain View, Wyoming
11. Dusty Iorg Mountain View High School,
Mountain View, Wyoming

Send any comments or questions to: David Pleacher