Chess Moves

Here are the basic moves for a king, queen, rook, knight, and bishop in the game of chess.
Please note that these are not comprehensive rules -- they are only listed here for people solving my chess recreations. (you do not need to know how to castle or how to move the pawn in order to solve the puzzles on my website.

A king may move one space in any of the eight directions.


The queen can move any number of spaces in any direction on a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal path.


The rook can move from 1 to 7 squares vertically or horizontally.


The knight moves in a shape similar to the uppercase "L."   The knight can move two squares horizontally then one square vertically or it can move one square horizontally and two squares vertically.


The bishop can move in any direction diagonally.   It always stays on its own color.


Send your comments to: David Pleacher