April 2018
Problem of the Month

Cross Number Puzzle

Use the clues below to place one digit in each box, forming a three-digit number in each column (reading down) and a three-digit number in each row (reading across from left to right).


(1) Each digit from 1 to 9 will be used exactly once in the grid.

(2) The number A has a first digit that is one less than its second digit, and a second digit that is one less than its third digit.

(3) The number B has a first digit that is one more than its second digit, and a second digit that is one more than its third digit.

(4) C has a third digit that is equal to the sum of its first two digits.

(5) D is an even number.

(6) E is an odd number.

(7) F is equal to three times number A.

Send your solution by the end of the month to: mathpage@gmail.com