What you might hear during the holiday season ...
(Unscramble the words)

_____________________ pahpy yslohida

_____________________ ssonase entisgerg

_____________________ oh oh oh

_____________________ evha uoy hidefins rouy carsmiths sdarc?

_____________________ eavh uoy kebad uyor shirtcams soicoke?

_____________________ od uyo vhae oury rete?

_____________________ het dsik rea os tcxedie

_____________________ hpoe ew vhea a hiwet himtascrs

_____________________ gerhac ti!

_____________________ vahe uyo nebe odog hits arye?

_____________________ ahb guhbmu

_____________________ rea ouy edrya fro eht doihysla?

_____________________ payph ewn erya

_____________________ si oryu pohpisgn neod?

_____________________ reymr hmsscrtia