Do the following:
  1. Write down a 3 digit number so that the first and third digits differ by more than one.
  2. Now reverse the digits to form a second number.
  3. Subtract the smaller number from the larger one.
  4. Now reverse the digits in the answer you got in step 3 and add it to that number.
  5. Multiply by one million.
  6. Subtract 733,361,573.
    • Then, under each of the digits in your answer, write the letter which corresponds to it using the following table:
    • 0 --> Y
    • 1 --> M
    • 2 --> P
    • 3 --> L
    • 4 --> R
    • 5 --> O
    • 6 --> F
    • 7 --> A
    • 8 --> I
    • 9 --> B
  7. Now read your message backward.