Conditional Statements

In the following statements, identify the hypothesis (underline it once) and the conclusion (underline it with 2 lines).

1. If you are a klutz, you are an inept blockhead.

2. When a man decides to shoot his in-laws, he can't afford to miss. (KODAK Advertisement)

3. If a soft drink contains sugar, then you do not need it.

4. When it rains, it pours. (Morton salt ad)

5. The students will stop paying attention if the class is boring.

6. If you build it, they will come.

7. If you're not the biggest, you have to try harder. (Avis Ad)

8. If Avis is out of cars, we'll get you one from our competition. (Avis Ad)

9. If it isn't RCA, it isn't XL-100. (RCA Ad)

10. If life is discovered on Mars, it will come as news to you on CBS.

Rewrite each of the following in "If-then" form.   Be careful not to change the meaning of any of the sentences.

11. All moths are attracted to candle flames.

12. Pro basketball players are not midgets.

13. All limericks have five lines.

14. A baby sneezes when it gets pepper in its nose.

15. All surfers like big waves.

16. I crack up when you cross your eyes.

17. People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

18. No ghost has a shadow.

19. When Jack goes to Jill's house, they don't study geometry.

20. All Broncos fans were disappointed with the outcome of Super Bowl XLVIII.

Send any comments or questions to: David Pleacher