Right Angles Puzzle — Calculus
A Puzzle by David Pleacher

Determine the answer to each problem below. Then write the word in the 10 by 10 matrix using the following rules:

  1. Each word makes one right-angle turn somewhere along its length. But you must determine where each word makes this turn and in which direction.
  2. As a guide, the starting direction (i.e., the direction of the word before its right angle turn) of each answer is indicated by the letter given after the clue number.
  3. Words can go North, South, East, or West to start with. For example, 1S begins on square 1 and heads South.
  4. Each letter in the correctly completed grid appears in only one word.

4N A function such that f(-x) = - f(x) is called an __________ function.
5N Some of the applications of __________ calculus include finding areas, volumes, and length of arc.
7W The derivative of a __________ is the sum of the derivatives.
9S You can evaluate a definite integral by finding the limit of a __________ sum.
10N Exponential Growth and _________ has one defining characteristic: the rate of y's growth is directly proportional to y itself.
12E A line that intersects a curve in more than one point is called a __________.
13N Problems involving two rates that are related to each other are called _________ rates problems.
16E An equation involving derivatives of one variable with respect to another is called a _________ equation.

Send any comments or questions to: David Pleacher