Calculus – Derivative Droodle from The Far Side…                   Name ___________________


Find the answer to each derivative problem below and write its corresponding letter in the blank beside the problem number. 

After you have completed all the problems, find the caption to the droodle by substituting letters in the appropriate blanks.


In problems 1 – 7, use the following table of values at x=1 and x=-2 to determine the indicated derivatives:














Problems                                                                                                           Answers


____ 1.  at x = 1                                                   A. 


____ 2.  at x = -2                                                          C.


                                                                                                            D.  12

____ 3.  at x = 1                                                             


____ 4.  at x = -2                                                           


____ 5.  at x = -2                                                           


____ 6.  at x = 1                                                                



____ 7.  at x = 1                                                      I. –19               


____ 8. If , find                                          L. 5


____ 9. Determine                                                                  M.           

____ 10. If , find                                                                N.


                                                                                                            O.  0

____ 11. If , then  at (1,1) is:                              

                                                                                                            P. 21


____ 12. If  then                                                 S. –7


____ 13. If  then                                                    T. nonexistent

                                                                                                            U.  -12

_____ 14. Find  if                                                     

                                                                                                            Y -126

_____ 15. Find an equation of the tangent line to the graph                  

             at the point where x = -3 if f(-3) = 2                        Z. None of the above

            and f’(-3) = 5.



____  ____  ____          ____  ____  ____  ____       ____  ____  ____  ____  ____      ____  ____  ____

  11       14        12               3      13       5      11             11      14         2      15        8            7        10       6




____  ____  ____            ____  ____             ____  ____         ____  ____  ____  ____  ____  ____  ____

   5       12         12               10       9                  13     1 5              13      15       15      10       7        12        1




  12         3      12        4       14       13      15       11                   

____  ____  ____  ____  ____  ____  ____  ____

Can you determine the Title for this Far Side Droodle?


Many thanks to Kathy Rivers for retyping this Droodle.



Printer Version of the Farside Droodle

Calculus Lesson Plans

Mr. P's Math Page

Send comments to: David Pleacher